A scarce Infantry rifle of ‘Baker’ type, having the characteristic features typical of this highly collectible gun model, brass fingerrest to the trigger guard, oval escutcheon to the breech stock, etc. This gun is important in that it belongs to a group of rifles that may have been traded and used abroad, the markings to the lockplate show the monogram of Pedro 1st, who ruled in both Portugal and Brazil during the early 19th century. Typical of these rifles, famously used by the British ‘sharpshooters’ in specialist regiments such as the 95th, their modifications are apparant here on this piece, the rifling has been removed to create a smoothbore musket. Similarly key features such as the fixed sight and the bayonet bar have also been removed, leaving visible finished traces of where they originally were. The patchbox has also been removed and filled in. Presumably these modifications created a gun more suitable for its specific use abroad. This gun is in very good condition, retaining its original dark lacquered finish. A most interesting firearm.