A very attractive early 19th century long gun from Algeria. This extremely long gun, approximately 6 ft in length is of the high quality for which Algerian firearms were famed. The stock is inlaid with panels of engraved and pierced silver, accentuated with set red corals at intervals.The butt terminates with a thick slab of ivory with some decorative carving. The lock is a magnificent large example, faced with very finely ingraved brass, and silver panels to the hammer, the steel framing parts chiselled with decoration and with some arabic inscriptions below. The long facetted barrel with rear brass sight to the breech area, held to the barrel with several large chiselled silver cappucines all of which are stamped to the top with two hallmarks of quality possibly French or Spanish. The barrel protruding from the stock in typical Algerian fashion the final silver cappucine at the tip with a small clip to fix the ramrod, which is lacking in this example.A wonderful example dating to the early 19th century, from Aleria or tunisia. african